The first version of Advanced Radio Player for Plasma 6 is released!

Ask questions, write suggestions for improvement, rate.


I have been waiting for this, thx a bunch :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Thanks a lot! This is the most important third-party Plasmoid for me. :slight_smile:

PS: Works as good in Plasma 6 X11 as in Plasma 5 X11 before as far as I can tell.
And I like that the whole icon colour changes to green now when a station is playing instead of displaying an overlapping small image…
Perhaps consider giving the user the option to choose this colour in the future (I am sure others would prefer another colour)?

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For now used Kirigami.Theme.positiveTextColor for playing state.
May be later i will add color shooser for indicate playing state.

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Are there any media widgets working with Plasma 6 that will show song info for Advanced Radio Player? I can’t recall the exact name of it, but there was one for Plasma 5 that did it, called something like “Simple Media Player” (also picked up info and controlled cmus, too). That’s not necessarily a question for saurov… just for anyone who might have some info. Thanks!

Good afternoon. In version 5 of Plasma, Advanced Radio Player itself was able to do this.

Unfortunately, the version for Plasma 6 has a Qt6 bug that does not allow you to get anything from the stream except the bitrate.

Once this problem is resolved, I will add track recognition to ARP.

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In my openSUSE Argon installations (all updated from Plasma 5 ) I had to additionally install qt6-multimedia for Advanced Radio Player to work correctly in Plasma 6 .
As far as I can tell the current openSUSE Argon ISO with Plasma 6.0.2 also does not install qt6-multimedia by default.

In KDE neon it worked ootb.

On my openSUSE Tumbleweed I’m getting this error:

file:///home/cris/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.advancedradio/contents/ui/main.qml:3:1: module "org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement" version 0.2 is not installed

Please make sure that you use version 3.0 for ARP.

This problem of openSUSE distribution (no qt6-multimedia for default instalation).


Thank you @saurov !
Yes, I have downloaded version 3, and I have already checked that I have qt6-multimedia installed.
But I still have the error, unfortunately.

Oops, after yet another reboot it is now working.
Sorry for the noise!!

Hi! I had nothing to do, so I made an icon here. You may find this useful. If necessary, I will upload an svg file.


Together with system monitor the most useful plasmoid!
It seems though that I am spoiled, I miss terribly the scrolling stream meta-data. And the lastfm api integration was awesome too!
Any idea when the Qt will allow these to be available again?

Thank you!

Thanks and I do want to donate this time. I saw there used to be some problems with you receiving some cash.

@saurov I notice some disconnects in some i-radio stations, is there a way there for the buffer size to be increased?

I can not play stations, it crashes Plasma. I prbb. need (to remove) a package or two?

systemd-coredump	Process 7809 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.

Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.
Module without build-id.

EDIT: Sorry it was the unmaintained nvidia-390

I’m using ARP with a Bluetooth headset on my notebook (Manjaro with KDE Plasma 6). The headset is configure as the default audio output. Each time I switch to a radio channel ARP starts streaming on the notebook speakers. I can switch manually to the Bluetooth headsets in the audio settings, but when I switch to another channel it starts on the notebook speakers again. This is the case only with ARP only. Other players (f.g. browser, VLC, etc. are using the default audio device.

Good afternoon. I am aware of these problems and will try to solve them in the next update. Thanks for your feedback!


Works like a charm! ty!
(opensuse Tumbleweed)