Where is the Windows installer for KDE Image Writer?

I ask for the undermentioned:


Wow, I might be wrong but I thought there was a link to a Windows download on ISO Image Writer - KDE Applications when I created this issue.

Either way, Google lead me to KDE - Experience Freedom!, but that’s quite old.

@intrigeri, there’s indeed a URI to a .exe for V1.0.0 at apps.kde.org/en-gb/isoimagewriter, which 502s to the URI you referenced.

Now I’m wondering which version @sajolida tested.

I would presume that builds were available at the Jenkins instance before it was deactivated in favour of GitLab CI, but its GitLab repository doesn’t include any releases.

I’ve asked at discuss.kde.org/t/28055.

I’ve checked cdn.kde.org/ci-builds/utilities/isoimagewriter/master, and solely see a /Linux/ subdirectory, unlike utilities/filelight/master/windows.

Just save yourself the headache and install and use Ventoy.

@BlueUSA, thanks for the advice, although I suggest you read my aforestated rationale. Summarily, I’m asking on behalf of an issue at TAILS OS’s GitLab instance.

There are no Windows builds, you have to wait for someone to add them back to the CI and take care of them

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