Why does Discover only show applications with AppStream metadata?

appears to mean that

If true, why? It seems like it would make finding a lot of applications needlessly difficult for new users.

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Discover does what its name implies. It is a way to quickly find and add programs from the app store. It works very well for that purpose. It is not a system package manager. It doesn’t need to complicate itself more than it is. We already have package managers for that. :rofl:

But why would you separate the ability to manage packages without AppStream metadata into a separate application?

As stated,

I don’t understand why Linux DEs have decided that managing non-AppStream packages during updates is fine for their default PM GUI, but not in any other situation.


Not everything has a GUI. Of those that do, not all run Plasma. The package managers came first. The app stores are a new thing and they do what they are intended to do.

Don’t confuse Android and Windows with this. The Android app store does not allow you to replace low level system packages. That comes with a full system upgrade pushed by the vendor or carrier. Windows is a whole other monster. It is trying to manage WSL from inside the app store and wants to put everything into the app store.

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It does, though. Everything manageable via pm (try with adb shell) should be manageable via the Play Store, or at least com.android.settings (which plasma-discover acts as).

To my knowldge, “System Updates” primary update singular binary packages that the package manager doesn’t want to touch, such as driver blobs despite of course being able to invoke pm to update APKs during the process.

WSL packages aren’t managed via the Microsoft Store. Only the distributions themselves, which are just reproducible images, to my knowledge, provided as MSIX packages.