KleverNotes: Monthly news

Hi !

Between the holidays and my exams I haven’t been able to work on the project as much as I would like but the objectives I set for myself last time have been fulfilled. So I’m back with news! :sunglasses:

What’s new?

Quality of life:

All of the above cleaned/restructured the code, making it clearer.

This also makes the app QT 6 only. Trying to manage both QT 5 and 6 at the same time was starting to get really out of hand, since QT 6 is the future I decided to only use this version. It made my life easier in terms of coding and testing.

UI improvement

I’m really happy with the result of this one. Settings are now less messy and it’s also easier for me to add and try new plugins.

Plugins and features

This adds ‘quick emoji’ support as well as an emoji picker inside the app.

This let’s you create PlantUML diagram in your note. This is related to the issue ‘Add suppport for external renderers’.

What’s next ?

  • The text toolbar is progressivly getting fuller and fuller, which can be ennoying if you only use a small set of feature, I would like to let the user organize it the way they want.
  • Some small UI/logic tweaks
  • I still want to let the user change the shortcuts but it’s not for right now (see side note).

Side note

Unfortunately there is no standard way to edit shortcuts in Kirigami/QML and I don’t like KShortcutDialog in the QML application. I decided not to just wait for a standard method to arrive and started some work on this. This is more of a working proof of concept at the moment, but I hope to get some help/advice on this.

As you can see, I don’t have a ton of new features in mind right now and I’ll see when they come, so the next update might not be as quick as this one. :grin:

As always I’m open for discussion and would be happy to hear new ideas or to know what’s stopping you from testing the app !

Thanks for reading me.

Link to the repo: Office / KLeverNotes · GitLab
Link to the previous post: KleverNotes: Here’s some news!