I’ve updated my Neon on latest updates and, ignoring the problems I had like most of the others, I’d like to ask if someone else here is using with success pens like Wacom with PLasma 6, Wayland and multi monitor setup.
The main problem I have is that I can’t use the pen in both monitor but, as driver settings, I can just choose which monitor is the target for pen working.
On X11 I can use it without any problems.
Anyone else experienced this problem on Wayland?
If someone would ask me if Wayland on Plasma 5 was fine, I can answer that I’ve never tried before, so I can’t report nothing on this.
Thank you very much for any kind of helping on this.
Already testing Plasma 6.1 and saw the commit, but seems to be closed, what does that mean? that it will be for Plasma 6.2 or something like that? or that it couldn’t be done?
Not a great issue…I’ll wait for 6.2
Actually I was checking some days ago and I was limited to the 1 monitor…
I’ll wait… also because I’ve seen that with Wayland I still get flashing when using Steam…so I’ll wait using Wayland.
Updated Plasma to 6.3 and tested the new promising features to manage graphic pen and tablet with multi monitor setup… but…
…I can’t really setup it as I can’t move the portion of the tablet area to match with the 2 monitor.
The name of the device should be visible also when just one graphic pen&tablet is connected?
Anyone with this setup could test if everything is like in the official plasma video?
Thanks in advance.
What should I try to make it working?
Meanwhile I have to go back to X11.
Correct, it only shows when multiple devices are connected. At some point we want to show it regardless, but not sure about how that would look yet.
It looks like something is really broken there (the tablet is reporting itself as 0x0 size which is… wrong) I don’t know what the problem could be until I have some more information.
Seems like this a neon issue and has nothing to do with multiple monitors. I can replicate with a neon live usb. Possibly the libinput version too low?
About the fact that it’s not visible the graphic pen&tablet device name when it’s the only connected I think it’s fine…I was asking just to be sure that everything was ok.