January 8, 2024, 12:35pm
KDE’s Megarelease 6 is quickly approaching .
Local communities are already planning to hold megarelease parties , more will certainly join them.
Inspired by the hacker playfulness at the Chaos Communication Congress a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking we could come up with some games to celebrate this milestone for our community.
Got a game idea? An activity to entertain a crowd? Add them to the comments!
All games related to KDE Plasma 6.0 and its development are welcome.
Pin the tail on the Konqi.
January 8, 2024, 12:49pm
For the Berlin megarelease party we are thinking of making a KDE Plasma 6.0 bingo game with the usual setup for bingo:
New features (e.g., here ) are written on pieces of paper and put into a container.
Partygoers have their bingo cards, a refreshing drink, and a good mood.
The pieces of paper with new features are randomly pulled out of the container and announced one-by-one until a partygoer gets bingo.
How the features are announced could be a source of creativity. Reading it out loud is the usual way. A couple of other ideas are:
The announcer demonstrates the features on a computer running KDE Plasma 6.0 and partygoers have to guess which feature it is (interactive).
Feature-charades / pantomime / interpretive dance from the announcer (silly) and partygoers again have to guess (interactive).
Your ideas?
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January 8, 2024, 12:54pm
The new features could also be used for Plasma 6 Jeopardy.
How about a party game of celebrity bobble-heads on the Plasma 6 development team?
How does one include a location on the map? I thought it would be automagic , but I included Málaga on the wiki and nothing happened
February 17, 2024, 2:08pm
Also added Ljubljana, Slovenia , and it also does not show up on the map.
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